After the challenging year 2020, marked by the crisis at FMSH and the consequences of the Covid pandemic, our association has opened in 2021 a dialogue with the new Governing Board of the Foundation. The Board has presented its institutional and scientific policy during the Association Governing Board meeting on May 5th, and during our general assembly, held for the first time on hybrid mode, on December 21st. We have discussed, amongst other issues, the association possible support to some research initiatives taken by the new FMSH leadership.
In 2021 we have renewed our financial support to the PAUSE programme conducted by the College de France.

In addition, we have also answered the call from the Foundation INALCO (National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilisations) to contribute to the invitation of Afghan academics, after the return of the Talibans to power in August 2021
With a new president, historian Hinnerk Bruhns, our association has been engaged in defending the autonomy of the Foundation, which was then facing a governance crisis, due to the pressions imposed upon the FMSH for a much deeper integration with the Campus Condorcet, the new pole of social sciences, whilst the Foundation was already a founding member of the Campus.
By its statement dated July 20th, 2020, the Governing Board of the Association has expressed its deep concern regarding the future of the Foundation. For us, to intensify the FMSH partnership with the new structures of the French higher education and research ecosystem should be done with due respect to its autonomy and its initiatives capacity, for the benefit of all.
As we have done since 2018, we offered in 2020 financial support to the programme PAUSE conducted by the Collège de France, in order to help scholars constrained to exile, due to wars or authoritarian regimes.
In 2019, the Association has paid homage to its president, Immanuel Wallerstein, who passed away on August 31st
We have published a booklet Immanuel Wallerstein. Une quête intellectuelle et politique* regrouping, in English, French or Spanish, the testimonies of friends and colleagues from the FMSH network (including Alain Touraine and Craigh Calhoun), and three short significant texts from this great committed intellectual.
On November 26th, we organised a roundtable : Immanuel Wallerstein, comprendre le monde et le changer, (Immanuel Wallerstein, to understand the world and to change it) with the participation of Maurice Aymard, Robert Boyer, Nilüfer Göle, Jean-Luc Racine, Michel Wieworka, and Yves David Hugot, who defended his PhD on Immanuel Wallerstein in 2017, at Paris X University.
* Published in Spanish in our booklet, the piece by Carlos Antonio Aguire Rojas is also available in English.
The association renewed in 2019 its financial support to the programme PAUSE : Programme national d’aide à l’Accueil en Urgence de Scientifiques en Exil, conducted by the Collège de France for welcoming in French academic institutions scholars constrained to exile.
In 2018, the Association offered its first financial support to the Programme PAUSE, established in 2017 and conducted by the College de France for welcoming in French academic institutions scholars constrained to exile, due to wars or authoritarian regimes.
In 2017, in partnership with Maison Suger and the FMSH Publishing House, we joined the homage offered to Clemens Heller, in his centenary year. Clemens Heller decisively expanded the activities and the networks of the FMSH, first as deputy of Fernand Braudel, then as Administrator of the Foundation.
See the webpage: Hommage à Clemens Heller. We offered financial support to the book published on the occasion, edited by Hinnerk Bruhns, Joachim Nettelbeck and Maurice Aymard : Clemens Heller, imprésario des Sciences de l’Homme LINK Clemens Heller, imprésario des sciences de l’homme
In 2016 we contributed to the organisation of the international conference (Re)créer le monde, initiated by FMSH in partnership with the Philarmonie de Paris and the Sorbonne Paris Cité University. The concept behind the event: For a moment, at least during a conference, let us stop to talk about the crisis. Let us look at what is created or recreated in the active worlds, connected or not, of the social sciences and the arts.
See the webpage of the conference: [Re]créer le monde | FMSH See the podcasts on Canal U : https://www.canal-u.tv/chaines/fmsh/recreer-le-monde
In 2015, the Association contributed to the financing of the video coverage of the conference organised by the Collège d’études mondiales of the FMSH, to pay tribute to Ulrich Beck, the great sociologist who was a member of the College.
See the videos on Canal U : https://www.canal-u.tv/chaines/fmsh/a-tribute-to-ulrich-beck-social-sciences-at-the-age-of-second-modernity/opening-by
In 2014, the Association contributed to the financing of the book Penser global, an edited volume regrouping the proceedings of the international conference organised in 2013 for celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Foundation Maison des sciences de l’homme, with the contributions of Elijah Anderson, Jean Baubérot, Rajeev Bhargava, Judit Bokser Liwerant, Manuel Castells, Philippe Descola, Mireille Delmas-Marty, Jean-Pierre Dozon, Marc Fleurbaey, Michel Foucher, Nancy Fraser, René Frydman, Nilüfer Göle, Alain d’Iribarne, François Jullien, Hervé Le Bras, Dominique Méda, Edgar Morin, Vinh-Kim Nguyen, Ernesto Ottone, Jean-Luc Racine, Jean-Daniel Rainhorn, Ignacy Sachs, Yves Schemeil, Farzana Shaikh, Brian Stock, Alain Touraine, Imma Tubella, Immanuel Wallerstein, Michel Wieviorka, Yuan Tseh Lee.
See the book : Penser global – Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme
See the videos of the conference on Canal U : https://www.canal-u.tv/chaines/fmsh/penser-global-colloque-international-thinking-globally-international-symposium/stories