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Support us! Make a donation

Dear Friends, dear Colleagues,

You have been kind enough to join the Association of the Friends of the FMSH, and we thank you sincerely for that. As you know, the membership is free of cost.

However, a number of our members have decided to support our action by sending us a donation. In 2014, we have contributed to finance Penser global, a book that brings together the most significant papers presented at the international conference organised for the fiftieth anniversary of the FMSH.

In 2015, donations have enabled us to support the tribute paid to the great sociologist Ulrich Beck, within the Foundation, by the Collège d’études mondiales of which he was a member. In 2016, we have been able to support the international conference “Recréer le monde” (Re-creating the World) held in Paris.

In 2017 we have contributed to the celebration of the birth centenary of Clemens Heller, who did so much for the expansion of the Foundation, and we have supported the publication of a trilingual volume: Clemens Heller, impresario des sciences de l’homme, published by FMSH Editions

In 2022, besides launching our own website <> , we are organising a roundtable focussed of the Vigoni Workshops, a trilateral initiative between the Italian Villa Vigoni, the German Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the French FMSH illustrating the potential of international cooperation in humanities and social sciences.

In 2018, we have organised a roundtable inviting scholars who had conducted, at the FMSH, diverse research projects on gender and engagement. In 2019 we have organised a roundtable and published a brochure in homage to the first president of the Association, Professor Immanuel Wallerstein.

In 2020, in a context defined by the Covid pandemic, but also by the FMSH debate related to its position in the new Social Sciences French ecosystem, we have pleaded with decision makers in favour of preserving the autonomy of the Foundation. In 2021, we have entered in a fruitful dialogue with the new leadership of the Foundation.

Since 2018, we have also provided financial support to the French ‘National Programme for the urgent aid and reception of scientists in exile’, which hosts scholars who had to leave their country because of war or under pressure from authoritarian regimes. In addition to this usual support, we extended support to Afghan academics in 2021 after the Taliban return to power, and to the FMSH invitation of Ukrainian academics in 2022.

We would be very grateful if you would consider a donation for helping us to carry on our activities in the future.

The standard donation for a Donor Member is € 150 or more (66% tax-deductible in France) for individuals or 500 or 1,000 euros (60% tax-deductible in France) for corporate entities, but all donations are welcomed. As a testimony of special gratitude, we offer to standard Donor Members a book of their choice, chosen in the catalogue of FMSH publishing house.

Donations can be made:
– either by cheque payable to the order of Association des Amis de la FMSH. Cheques could be sent by post to the following address

Association des Amis de la FMSH
c/o Jean-Luc Racine
54 Boulevard Raspail, 75006, Paris, France

– or by bank transfer (in this case, please keep us informed by mail about your donation)

Account Owner: Association des Amis de la Fondation MSH
IBAN: FR76 3006 6100 4100 0201 9900 155

In both cases (cheque or bank transfer), you may keep us informed by mail at the here below e-mail address about your donation (no need to precise the amount).

Thank you for your help and for your support!

On behalf of the Governing Board

Jean-Luc Racine, General Secretary